High School Essay Writing

Essay Prep lays the foundation for the essay writing classes

If you are interested in your high school student learning the academic formats for essay writing, you will want to check out our Essay Prep series of classes. 

These classes lay the foundation for Expository Essay: Exploratory & Persuasive, which teaches the primary writing format used in high school and college essays.

Dynamic Thinking, Research & Citation, and Expository Essay: Exploratory & Persuasive cover much of the same material as our digital product Help for High School

Once your student is comfortable with the five-paragraph essay form, you may like to consider some of our more advanced essay classes:

Note that Advanced Composition and MLA Research Essay are rigorous classes. Before taking these classes, your student should have had a good amount of practice and be very comfortable with essay writing.

Learn more about how our online classes work here: About Online Classes

Check out a sample class here: Sample Classroom

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