Mechanics learned through living literature
At Brave Writer, we teach the mechanics of writing—grammar, punctuation, spelling, literary devices—through living literature. Copywork and dictation exercises taken from passages of high-quality, age-appropriate read-alouds form the backbone of our Mechanics & Literature program.
Each year, Brave Writer selects ten new Arrow titles to be a part of the current year's subscription. These are released on the 15th of each month between July and April of that school year—ten issues in all. August's issue is released on July 15, September's issue on August 15, and so on. Each title becomes available for purchase on the Literature Singles page on the first of the month. Titles from previous years remain available on the Literature Singles page.
At the Boomerang level, however, many students do prefer to read the books on their own. That's fine! We only recommend that the parent read the book along with them in order to be able to engage in meaningful discussions.
The Arrow is highly adaptable to a range of ages and stages of writing development. The copywork and dictation passages are easily shortened or expanded to accommodate a child's ability, and the content of grammar explanations doesn't vary greatly across the levels. Choosing the books that will capture your kids' interest is the key to success with these products!