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The Best Curriculum for Young Children

Let go. Relax. Let go of "school" and focus on home.


Young children learn constantly through everyday interactions. They don't need a school structure! Rich experiences are the best way to create an environment that will lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Read aloud.

Go to the art museum.

Sign up for zoo passes and all fall, go once a week.

Visit the library every single week. 

Count cracks in the sidewalk, blue houses, red cars, all the jellybeans he can hold in his two hands at once, cups of sugar to bake muffins.

Play with Playdoh.

Buy Lego sets.

Take nature walks in the woods. Find a field guide and look for birds to match.

Jot down the incredibly cute things she says to you and read them back to her later in the day or to her dad in front of him.

Put away the workbooks.

Put away the schedule.

Be with your child the same ways you have been since they were born. Get rid of “school” and focus on home. Add brownies.

If you want some support on how to make this journey, try our Jot It Down product. It will be the one thing that may save you from over-schooling at this tender age.


You can read more here:

Best Curriculum for a Six-year-old

Reading Aloud Matters

Art Appreciation

Poetry Teatime

Nature Journaling

Podcast: Jot It Down