Login instructions and password for a sample online class
You can log in and view a sample class with real readings, assignments, and instructor comments from each class we offer by following these instructions:
1. Log in to class.bravewriter.com. If you are a current student, you'll need to log out in the upper right corner before proceeding.
2. Log in using these credentials:
Username: sample@bravewriter.com
Password: Brave1
3. Next, you will land on our Family Dashboard. There is a Parent icon and a Student icon to represent classes where the parent or the student is the primary participant.
- Click on "Parent" to view classes where the parent is the participant (Brave Writer 101: Guided Writing Process, Brave Writer 102: Stress-Free Revision, Groovy Grammar Workshop, Nature Journaling, Playing with Poetry Workshop, Shakespeare Family Workshop, Story Switcheroo, Telling Tales).
- For all other classes, click on "Student" to view a class.
4. Click on the class name of interest and start reading posts!